Your RDA of Irony


A rather significant birthday approaches, and I face the prospect of being 20 for the third time.  It is daunting to realize that I have outlived Henry VIII.  At least I am still younger than William Frawley was on “I Love Lucy.”

However I just received a wonderful consolation from my friend–and fellow Jeopardy relic–Leah Greenwald.  She knows my love of both Byzantine history and marzipan, and so she crafted this masterpiece: an iconfection of the Empress Theodora.

Here is the birthday geezer with his marzipan pinup.


If you are not familiar with Theodora, allow me to introduce her.

Yes, I am reluctant to eat this wonderful iconfection.  But at Leah’s urging, I will commit this act of trampsubstantiation.

So you can see that my birthday–this Saturday–is off to a delightful start.


  1. Tony H says:

    Many happy returns, Eugene. You’re historical. Have a great day.


  2. Happy belated Tzaddik Eugene’s Day! Hope that pastry didn’t buy your dentist a trip to Europe!

    • Eugene Finerman says:

      Thanks Rick.

      My teeth are undeservedly excellent. In my 60 years, I have had one cavity; I got the filling when I was 47. So my cavity should be when I am 94.

      I have to wonder if there is a metaphysical reason. Perhaps before my birth, the fates offered me this choice: either acclaim as a writer or nearly perfect teeth. I wonder if I made the right choice.


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