Stop the Presses
Lisa Kudrow Talks “Life-Altering” Nose Job: I Was “Hideous” Before
Well, here’s something you don’t hear every day: A celebrity admitting to plastic surgery!
Lisa Kudrow recently revealed that she got a nose job at age 16.
A teenage Jewish girl gets a nose job…Seismographs indicate major earthquakes on Manhattan’s Upper West Side from all the jaws dropping. There is also an emergency meeting of the Pulitzer Committee to create a special award for this unprecedented revelation.
No doubt this will lead to further discoveries in Semitic Anthropology: “Barbra Streisand Has Eaten Pastrami” and “Larry King Reads in the Bathroom.”
Ms. Kudrow’s former nose is currently located in Switzerland, where the outside is a ski run and the inside is the site of the Hadron Particle Collider.
Who nose what evil lurks in the hearts of women?
A woman’s vanity nose no boundaries.
I usually can come up with more puns – It’s a middle school band director trait – but I don’t have much time right now. I am sure that I am missing some good ones!