Your RDA of Irony

Gameshow of Thrones, part II

Here I am, with a few of my fans from Jeopardy


Yes, the voting continues.  So does my need for your votes.  If I don’t win, I will be so miserable that I will start acting my age.  Do you really want a 61 year-old grumpy version of me?

To avert that catastrophe, just vote at these sites:

website people can choose their Fan Favorite (ME!) from the pool of five nominees and click the “Vote Now!” button.

Registered Facebook users can visit to vote for your favorite relic via the Fan Favorites Voting Tab. Fans can choose their Fan Favorite (still ME!) from the pool of five nominees and click “Vote Now!”

Registered Twitter users can vote for me via simply by tweeting in the following format:
Eugene #JeopardyVote

(Just one tweet per day during the voting period will be counted.)

Or you can just ask me:

Vote for me, get me back on Jeopardy and keep me the precocious brat I really am.


  1. Michael Hastings says:

    I will vote daily. Along with my immediate family members and friends.

    We will get you on the ‘Battle of the Decades”!

  2. Renee K says:

    Voted, early and often. It’s the Chicago way after all!

  3. Rafferty Barnes says:

    I am voting all the ways! I know you’re going to win. After all, a PR guy should be able to sell himself!

    • Eugene Finerman says:

      Thank you, Megan. However, remember my definition of public relations: it is the career who lack the ethics for journalism, the creativity for advertising and the coordination for three-card monte.


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