Your RDA of Irony

The Gameshow of Thrones

Me, the Jeopardy Champion–and Hadassah pinup–in 1987.  Do you think that history can repeat itself?  That depends on you!

Eugene Jeopardy

Eugene Finerman, with 100 percent of his hair, reflexes and memory.

Jeopardy is celebrating its 30th Anniversary with a Special Tournament, featuring champions of the past three decades.  The public–alias you–can pick the contestants. 

In 1987 I won seven games, $69,502, a vacuum cleaner and 14 bags of chocolate chips.  I evidently also won a special place in the hearts of the Jeopardy producers.  Whether in fond memory or gleeful vengeance, Jeopardy has selected me as one of five nominees to be the Fan Favorite from the Eighties.

Yes, suddenly Jeopardy has become Gameshow of Thrones.  Only one of the five will participate in the Tournament:  the one with the most votes from the public.  So, I need your votes!

The voting period is from September 30th to October 7th, 7 a.m.  Hollywood time.  And you can vote each day, at three different sites, and vote at each site.  (I will take Byzantine Rules for $2000, Alex.)  Yes, you can legally vote three times a day.

Here are the three sites where you can vote:
To vote on this website people can choose their Fan Favorite (ME!) from the pool of five nominees and click the “Vote Now!” button.

Registered Facebook users can visit to vote for your favorite relic via the Fan Favorites Voting Tab. Fans can choose their Fan Favorite (still ME!) from the pool of five nominees and click “Vote Now!”

Registered Twitter users can vote for me via simply by tweeting in the following format:

(Just one tweet per day during the voting period will be counted.)

Or you can just ask me:

Yes, it is exhausting…but I am probably worth it.


By the way, in case you were wondering, Yes, I do want to go back on Jeopardy!  

With your help, I will!  Just vote and keep voting! 

Thank you, Eugene




  1. If you decide to run for President, I’ll also be voting for you — just not as often. Good luck!

  2. Jim McClure says:

    I plan to vote early and often.

  3. Dan Katz says:

    You have my votes! (Although I’m envious that I’m not in the competiotion for the 90’s).

  4. Robert Slaven says:

    Having had just a twinge of angst when I knocked you out back in the UToC, I will happily vote for you to see if I can get back a tiny bit of karma. (Sadly, I got one of the “Unfortunately, we could not invite all of you” emails on Friday … lovely 50th birthday present, but I digress. 🙂 Go John of Gaunt!


  5. Joan Stewart Smith says:

    Such a cute picture of you! I will vote!

  6. Eluned Jones says:

    Do you really need a new vacuum cleaner that badly?

    • Eugene Finerman says:

      Dear Eluned,

      The allure is not the vacuum but the chance to share a stage with Alex and answer clues about Medieval History.

  7. Kenneth Von says:

    You have my vote! Go for it.

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