Convenient Amnesia
Egyptian court orders Mubarak’s name, image removed from public places
Posters and portraits of the Mubaraks are ubiquitous in Egypt. Squares, sports fields, libraries, streets and more than 500 schools bear their names.
CBS Denies Existence of Charlie Sheen
Turn on any rerun of “Two and A Half Men” and be prepared for a surprise. You now will see a drunken, dissipated playboy who can recite Hamlet. You didn’t think that Charlie Sheen even heard of Shakespeare. The improved quality of debauchery is owing to the newest star of the series: John Barrymore. Yes, he has been dead for 70 years but that is a minor detail with today’s computer graphics. The late playboy has been grafted into the show to replace Charlie who….No more tantrums, a fraction of the costs, and a statute of limitation on all the DUI warrants.
Some networks have objected to the substitution of Mr. Barrymore. So on Fox Channels, the drunken rogue will be Joseph McCarthy.
Computer graphics may also effect other cast members of “Two and a Half Men.” Given his low Q ratings, the actor playing the repellent nephew is rumored to be replaced by Peter Lorre.