Your RDA of Irony

Happy Anniversary

Today is the 4th anniversary of FinermanWorks.  In that time, I have endeavored to entertain, edify and shamelessly infatuate you.  How am I doing?

Of course, I am resigned to post-humous acclaim, but I am in no particular rush.  So I can’t say that I was thrilled to become sick: laryngitis and a nagging cough.  My wife has been a veritable saint (actually she is probably delighted with my speechlessness) and she overcame my usual stoicism, forcing me to see a doctor.  His diagnosis was “some bug” and I got a prescription for an anti-biotic.

The pharmacist will dutifully include a 15 page brochure on the medicine, replete with the most gruesome warnings.  Here is the problem with antibiotics:  I happen to be a biotic.  In its zeal, the drug may be too anti.  On the first page of the brochure, I was warned:  stomach upset, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain may occur.  In fact, those tantalizing symptoms were cited four times in the first paragraph.  By the fourth time, it is not a warning but probably a guarantee.  Of course, there are other possible side effects, too: hearing loss, blurred vision, yellowing skin, fainting, internal bleeding and–ironically–bacterial infection. 

Either way, the drug will take care of me.  And so far, I haven’t had any of the guaranteed symptoms.  If I had, would be I writing anything but my will?

  1. Rick Naystatt says:

    Dear Eugene,

    has it really been four years? Time flies when you’re being well-entertained – thanks for providing us with our RDAs of Irony. Here’s to the next four years!

    All the best,


  2. Rafferty Barnes says:

    I’m still reading!

    I had a headache yesterday. Matthew gave me some Ibuprofen and a few seconds later I said “Ahh, I can already feel it working.”

    “That’s impossible,” he said. “Nothing works that fast.” I threw the bottle at him. Today when I had a headache, he brought me some pills and said “I hear these ones work instantly.”

  3. Kate says:

    Happy anniv. Eugene. I have enjoyed your offerings, often too ironic to respond to (ending sentence w/ a prep, ooops) At least the meds won’t abort the fetus or cause DTs. Get well soon. WHAT!!! You don’t have a will? Time is passing, pal.

    Here’s to many more years, thanks

  4. Michele says:

    Four years of erudition and wit is an achievement to be proud of (and there is nothing wrong with a dangling preposition). Hope you’re feeling better soon, but take comfort in the knowledge that laryngitis excuses you from complying with Talk Like a Pirate Day (today). Aaarrrrgh.

    • Eugene Finerman says:

      Thank you, Michele.

      Ironically (my stock in trade), with my laryngitis I still participated in the choir during the High Holidays. Given the nature of the language, my Hebrew sounds better when I am rasping. (God must be tone deaf; otherwise, even He would have chosen the Italians or Irish for his Chosen People.)


  5. Joan Stewart Smith says:

    Happy 4th anniversary, Eugene! Except for the laryngitis and nagging cough, you are doing great. Your blog is candy for history buffs.

    • Eugene Finerman says:

      Dear Joan,

      Thank goodness I have yet to run out of history or irony.

      And thank you for your kind words.


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