Too Aryan Is Human
To his obvious discomfort and supposed surprise, Senator George Allen of old Virginie has conceded having a Jewish grandfather. I suppose that you could mistake a tallith for a klan robe.
I would not suggest the existence of the Ku Klux Kohens but there were Jews in the Confederacy. Its Secretary of State was Judah Benjamin. That was a century before the other United States had Henry Kissinger.
So take comfort Senator Allen: one can be Antebellum and have an Auntie Belle.
copyrighted 2006
The question remains, however, whether Sen. Allen, son of Olde Cailforni-yay, has been demoted from Exalted Sasquatch to Noble Lumpkin in the local Klavern.
That, and is he holding back on a really great kugel recipe?