Posts Tagged ‘“The King’s Speech”’

The Overdue Review

Posted in General on January 21st, 2011 by Eugene Finerman – 7 Comments

 If you had any doubts, yes I loved “The King’s Speech.”  The story of George VI and his valiant struggle to overcome his stammer is poignant and moving, with a wonderful cast.  It is a conventional film; there are no dazzling computer graphics, no possible video games from it, no tie-ins with McDonalds or Baskin-Robbins.   “The King’s Speech’ is merely everything you would want in a good movie. 

Yes, I also noticed the historical errors and distortions. Given our reverence for Winston Churchill, it is hard to think of him being in the wrong.  In fact, hidebound traditionalist that he was, Churchill supported Edward VIII in his royal snit to have both the throne and Mrs. Simpson.  The film gives the contrary impression, a tactful fabrication to protect Churchill’s reputation.  “”The King’s Speech” also gives the impression that Wallis was planning to redesign the royal crest, replacing the lion and unicorn with pugs.  However, in the Thirties the Windsors had yet to become pugherders.

I was also bewildered by a scene in which Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin tenders his resignation. According to the film, Baldwin admits his shame in failing to recognize the threat from Herr Hitler.  Actually, Baldwin did not have the scriptwriter’s hindsight.  In 1937, Baldwin couldn’t have cared less about Hitler, rather regarding him as antidote to Stalin. Baldwin probably was more affected by the death of Jean Harlow. No, he was just ready to retire, and leaving at his political pinnacle. A nice peerage was awaiting him.

But these faults do not seriously detract from viewing a fine film.

Now, if only a filmmaker would do justice to the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Judd Apatow certainly would give them the respect they deserve. The thought of Seth Rogen playing him would torment the Duke more than anything he currently is enduring.

Helena Bonham Carter (whose forebears would have known the original cast) could recommend a talented, if somewhat surreal, director. Imagine Tim Burton’s portrayal of the Windsors. By comparison, the Romanovs might have gotten off lucky. And Johnny Depp would be just right for the role. Yes, I am thinking of the Duchess.

And let’s not forget the theological significance of this day;